Patron Policy

Texas County Library

Policy Manual



Texas County Missouri

April 2024


Including General Information

Library Mission Statement…………………………………………………..……………………………….1          

Statement of Policy………………………………………………………………..…………………………….1          

Rules for Patrons……………………………………………..….……………………..………………………..1          

Overdue Fine Policy………………………………………………………………………………………………2          

Library Charges……………………………………………………………………………..……………………..3

Privacy of Social Security Records……………………………………………………………………..….3         

Best Sellers………………………………………………………………………………………..……………..….3          

Unique Collection Agency…………………………………………………………………..………………..3          

Circulation Policy………………………………………………………………………………..…………..……4          

Book Deposit Forfeit Policy…………………………………………………………………..………………4          

Collection Policy………………………………………………………………………………………………..5-8

Withdrawal of Computer and Check-Out Privileges………………………………..……………9

Charges for Lost or Damaged Media…………………………………………………………………….9

Ordering Book for Patron……………………………………………………………………………..9

Emancipated Children……………………………………………………………………………………….…9

Library Cards……………………………………………………………………………………………………..…9

Visitor Pass…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..9

Inter-Library Loan Program Policy……………………………………………………..……………….10

Technology Use Policy…………………………………………………………………………..……………11


      Responsibilities of Users……………………………………………………………………………….11

      Legal and Ethical Use…………………………………………………………………………………….11


      Virus Protection……………………………………………………………………………………………12

      Minor’s Use of the Internet………………………………………………………………………….12

      Computer Time Limits………………………………………………………………………………….12

      Wireless Internet Access—Non-Library Owned Equipment………………………….12

      Technology Use Disclaimer…………………………………………………………………………..13

Permission to Videotape and/or Photograph…………………………………………………..…14

Adult Library Card Application……………………………………………………………………….…..15

Child Library Card Application……………………………………………………………………….16-17


Including General Information


The mission of the Texas County Library District is to provide an environment where lifelong learning, self-improvement and self-expression are encouraged and where patrons can meet their educational, informational and recreational needs.


The Texas County Library Board of Trustees has adopted the following policy so that the library may provide an atmosphere conducive to appropriate use of the facilities and to comply with the library’s mission statement.


The following behaviors and/or actions are prohibited on library property:

  1. Engaging in disorderly conduct, fighting or challenging to fight, or using offensive words to provoke violence.
  2. Loud talking, laughter, conversation or disruptive use of sound-producing devices, including but not limited to cell phones, CD players, walkie-talkies, PDA’s, laptop computers, etc. Sounds are considered loud or disruptive when they are clearly audible a distance of 3 feet away by any other patron or staff member.
  3. Loud or disruptive behavior that disturbs other patrons including loud, profane, abusive, obscene, threatening or insulting language or by any other disturbing noise, conduct or behavior.
  4. Indecent exposure.
  5. Extended public display of affection.
  6. Use of library facilities for other than their intended purpose, including but not limited to use of the facilities for day-care or drop-in activities, loitering, sleeping, bathing, personal grooming, etc.
  7. Harassing or annoying others by staring at or following with the intent to disturb.
  8. Distributing or posting printed materials that have not been approved by the library staff.
  9. Selling or soliciting for money or items or services. Tutors may not solicit Patrons while in Library but may use space if available. (Revised 2-28-24)
  10. Obtaining signatures on a petition, conducting surveys or similar investigation or distributing printer materials. Obtaining signatures cannot take place inside the library facilities.
  11. Removing library materials from the premises without authorization through established lending procedures.
  12. Theft, or attempted theft, or destruction/vandalism of library materials or property.
  13. Eating or drinking (bringing food or beverages into the library).
  14. Use of tobacco products in the library.
  15. Possessing or consuming alcohol or illegal drugs or being in a state of intoxication.
  16. Patrons are to be properly attired at all times. This includes wearing shoes and shirt as well as having the upper and lower torso covered. 
  17. Neglect of bodily hygiene to the point when it is offensive and constitutes a nuisance to patrons.
  18. Obstructing the aisles with large objects like backpacks, duffel bags or suitcases.
  19. Carrying weapons of any kind. In compliance with Mo. HB 656, handguns in the library will be permitted. (Date revised: 11-17-2021)
  20. Littering.
  21. Loitering in the lobby, stacks, restrooms, entryways or parking lot.
  22. Bringing animals or pets into the library except guide dogs for the blind and/or hearing impaired or for medical reasons.
  23. All children under the age of seven (7) must be supervised at all times by their parent or guardian. Children who are creating a disturbance and their parents will be asked to leave the library. 
  24. Leaving any child or young adult at the library after closing time.
  25. Any illegal acts or conduct in violation of federal, state or local law, ordinance or regulation.
  26. Entry into any staff work area not open to the public.
  27. More than one person per computer.
  28. Interference with use of the library by other customers, or with library staff’s performance of their duties. Such interference includes but is not limited to behaviors that, by sight, sound, or bodily gesture are intrusive to other customers or staff’s concentration and quiet enjoyment of facilities and materials.
  29. Any photographing or video recording of Patrons or Staff MUST be approved by the Library Director and a consent form signed. (Revised 2-28-24)

Violations of any of these rules can result in temporary expulsion, permanent expulsion or arrest.


  • A $.05 per day charge for all checked out material.
  • Maximum fine is the replacement cost or catalogued price of the checked-out item. 
  • Possible referral to Unique Collection Agency for all materials and/or fines over $50.00 not returned or paid within 60 days of due date.
  • Suspension of all library privileges for all linked patrons until fines and/or fees are paid.
  • Exceptions can be made for bad weather. The public will be encouraged to call in or e-mail requests for renewals.



Copy machine copies:

Letter – Color                                                                                                                    $.25 per page

                Letter – Black and White                                                                               $.10 per page

                Legal – Color                                                                                                      $.50 per page

                Legal – Black and White                                                                                 $.20 per page

                Microfilm copies                                                                                           $.10 per page

Faxes (sent or received including confirmation)                                                 $.25 per page

Foreign Fax Fees                                                                                                              $2.00 per minute


In accordance with Public Law 93-70, the Texas County Library District provides the following protections for disclosure and use of social security numbers:

  • That use of social security information is to allow the District to retain possession of overdue library materials through use of internal collection procedures or outside contractors. No other disclosure of social security numbers to private agencies or contractors shall be made.
  • That use of outside contractors for collection purposes is specifically allowed under R.S.Mo. 70.220.
  • That sharing of such records with law enforcement officials (with the exception of recovery of stolen library materials under R.S.Mo.570.210) shall not be made available to anyone except pursuant to such process, order, or subpoena as may be authorized by law.
  • That the District shall not deny to any individual any right, benefit, or privilege provided by law because of such individual’s refusal to disclose their social security account number.   


Unique Collection Agency will be used to collect overdue fines, fees, or replacement costs for library materials that are for more than $50 and are more than two months overdue.  A collection fee of $10 will be added to the patron’s account whenever their account is placed with Unique for collection.  Names included on the patron list will be at the discretion of the Library Director. Documentation of library attempts to collect fines and fees will be provided. We will no longer send certified letters.


Circulation policies are formulated to provide consistent and fair treatment to all library patrons. These policies are written for staff to present in a fair and positive manner to the public. It is not possible to write a circulation policy for all situations. The Library Director will “flex” these rules when appropriate and empower staff to also adjust appropriate circulation policies as needed.

  • All library materials available for check out must be checked out on a valid library card.
  • All materials must be fully processed before leaving the library. (Library Director may waive this and create temporary check-out procedures as appropriate—computers nonfunctioning, etc.)
  • Reference materials do not circulate.
  • Missouri and genealogy materials do not circulate.
  • Adult (age 18 or over) residents of Texas County or any contiguous county can receive a library card without charge upon submission of an appropriate application, presentation of photo identification, and proof of residence address.  Replacement cards may be obtained at a charge of $1.50.
  • The driver’s license number or social security number given on the application is not to be entered into the circulation system.
  • Children under the age of 18 years of age may receive a library card using the same guidelines as adults except that children must be linked to an adult’s card. Parent or Guardian must fill out front and back of child application for each minor child being issued a card. (revised 8-1-23)
  • Children less than age 17 may not check out movies with an “R” rating.
  • For a new patron receiving a library card, checked out items will be limited to two (2) on the first use of the card.
  • Circulation check-out periods will be:

Books—3 weeks, two renewals, limit 10 per family

                Books by same author limit 5 per family per check out period.

Audios—2 weeks, one renewal, limit 5 per family

DVDs—1 week, no renewals, limit 5 per family

Books or Audios with holds—2 weeks, no renewals

  • Any item that has a hold placed on it may not be renewed


A patron will forfeit the deposit placed on a book when the book is 30 days overdue, even if the patron later returns the book. If a deposit book is not returned, the patron will be charged the full replacement cost of the item less the deposit. 

Collection Development Policy (revised 10-10-23)

Purpose:  The purpose of the Collection Development Policy is to guide library staff and to inform the public of the principles upon which selections are made and managed.  Library materials are selected to support the mission of the library.  The mission of the Texas County Library is to provide an environment where lifelong learning, self-improvement and self-expression are encouraged and where patrons can meet their educational, informational and recreational needs.

All Libraries stand strongly for the freedom of thought, the freedom of intellectual activity, and the freedom of communication.  Therefore, Libraries must select materials with the view to present all sides of an issue, not just one particular opinion.  The Texas County Library adheres to best practices as endorsed by the American Library Association:  

  • The Library Bill of Rights
  • Intellectual Freedom
  • The Freedom to Read Statement
  • The Freedom to View Statement

Introduction:  This policy defines the scope and nature of our existing collection, and the plans for continuing development of resources as they relate to library goals, general selection criteria, and the rights of the library users to receive information.  

“Library collections” includes all resources in all formats acquired for use by the public, including resources obtained through the library’s membership in selected consortia or contracts with other libraries.

  Responsibility for Resource Selection and Collection Development:  The Board of Trustees delegates administrative authority for the selection of resources and the development of library collections to the Library Director, operating within the framework of policies determined by the Board.  Library staff also assists and recommends selections. The Library Director has the authority to approve or disapprove any selection decision.

Core Priorities for Collection Development:

  • To meet the diverse information needs, interests, and demands of the library community.
  • To reflect the mores, characteristics, customs, and conventions of our local community.
  • To encourage individual self-directed lifelong learning for personal growth, enjoyment, and career development.
  • To promote early literacy skills & the power of information.

General Criteria for Selection:

  • Appeal to the educational, informational, cultural, or recreational interests and needs of the library community.
  • Favorable reviews from professional and reputable resources 
  • Subject, style, and reading level are age-appropriate for the intended audience.
  • Timeliness or permanent value
  • Quality of writing, design, illustration, and production based on professional standards.
  • Diversity of sources:  independent or new publishers, as well as long-established publishers.
  • Expressed or anticipated popular demand.
  • Presents alternative or diverse voices and viewpoints.
  • Contribution to diversity, depth, or breadth of existing collection
  • Local or community relevance.
  • Price, effectiveness, and suitability of format, durability and, ease of use
  • Availability of information in a subject area.
  • Replacement of lost, worn, or outdated materials.
  • Budgetary considerations

Use of Selection Aids:

To select Library materials, the staff makes use of selection aids such as reviews, basic general lists, current general lists, bibliographies, and professional book review journals.  

The Collection:

  1. Adult Collection:  This collection is recommended for mature readers, ages 18+.  Adult fiction is selected for its appeal to members of the community and its quality as literature.  The library attempts to provide a wide selection of standard fiction titles as defined in recognized bibliographies, as well as the best current titles.  Nonfiction items are selected in an attempt to educate and inform readers, some of these titles are also appropriate for younger readers, in particular, young adults doing research for a school project.  Items of lasting interest are preferred, but it is recognized that titles of current interest are also appropriate purchases.  
  2. Youth Collection:  Youth materials are selected to include the best available titles of fiction and non-fiction for ages birth through young adults.  Titles are chosen that may enhance the intellectual, cultural, social, and ethical development and growth of individuals.  Such a

        collection should provide a background for the development of critical reading and thinking, in addition to recreational reading.  

a. There may be some variation in the age appropriateness of each collection. Patrons are not limited by these age recommendations.  All patrons are welcome to check out any materials in our collection.  The responsibility for materials used by a minor rests completely with their parents or legal guardians.  Separate collections are available for children and young adults, but it is not the responsibility of the Library, its Board of Trustees, staff, or volunteers to determine which collection they should use or what item in the collection is suitable for an individual.  

  1. Easy (E) Collection-This collection is recommended for ages birth to 8.
    1. Juvenile (J) Collection-This collection is recommended for readers ages 8-12.
    1. Young Adult (YA) Collection-This collection is recommended for young adults, ages 13+.
  2. Electronic Database Collection:  This collection is a diverse selection of reference and circulating materials that are accessed electronically and is developed with the same criteria as print materials.  In some cases, because of inclusion in consortia agreements for electronic resources, local control of selection is not an option.  
  3. Media Collection:  The goal of this collection is to provide instructional, educational, and recreational audio-visual material that will enhance the existing fiction and non-fiction collections.  The Library recognizes that patrons desire information and popular materials in various forms.  Purchases in this collection are in the form of audiobooks on CD and Commercial and non-fiction DVD.
  4. Periodical Collection:  This collection consists of newspapers providing a broad range of general interest subject areas.
  5. Reference Collection:  The historical and genealogy collection is intended to preserve materials of importance to our library community and surrounding areas.  The materials themselves and/or the subject areas they represent have permanent value to the community and are made available to the general public for research on local, genealogical, and historical issues.

Gifts, Donations, and Memorials:

The policies which apply to the selection of purchasing materials also apply to materials that are donated or given to the library.  Once an item has been given to the library, the Director shall determine whether it will be added to the collection or discarded.  Items not added to the collection may be donated to local organizations.  Items added to the collection become the property of the Library and are subject to the same standards as any other library material.  The Library will accept financial donations to buy materials following the same guidelines used in any other selection decision.  Memorials may be accepted through the Texas County Library Foundation.

Suggestions for Purchase:

Patron suggestion requests are accepted and will follow the same guidelines as any other material purchased by the Library.  The submission of a request does not guarantee it will be purchased.  If a work is not selected for purchase, patrons are encouraged to utilize ILL and ME for requested materials.

 Collection Management:

Regular weeding of the library collection is a vital part of the collection development cycle.  The collection needs continuous evaluation to ensure that the Library is fulfilling its mission.  It also needs systemic weeding of library materials to maintain current and accessible collections.  Weeding not only makes space available for new materials but also contributes to an attractive library where the best materials are easy to find and the convenience of the user is a top priority.  Items that have been withdrawn from the collection and are in good condition will be available for purchase at book sales or donated to local organizations.  Library standards for weeding include:

  • Age of the item
  • Length of time since the last circulation transaction
  • Worn/damaged appearance
  • Superseded by a newer or better material
  • Irrelevant to community needs
  • Expeditiously available elsewhere

Reconsideration of Library Materials:

It is a vital obligation of the public library to reflect within its collection, differing points of view.  The Texas County Library does not endorse any particular viewpoint nor does the selection of an item indicate an endorsement of any particular viewpoint.  Library materials will not be sequestered, except to protect them from damage or theft. The choice of Library materials for personal use is an individual matter; while anyone is free to accept or reject materials for themselves or for those that are legally under their care, no one has the right to exercise censorship to restrict the freedom of use and/or access by others.

There may be occasions when a member of the library district may be concerned about a particular item in the Library’s collection or the age appropriateness of a library presentation, event, material, or display.  In this instance, a patron may request a “Statement of Concern Form”.  This form must be completed in its entirety and returned to library staff, who will then forward it to the Library Director.  The Director and appropriate staff members will review the form and respond with a written response promptly.  

The “Statement of Concern Form” will be available at the main circulation desk during normal business hours and on the library website.  Material for which a “Statement of Concern Form” has been submitted will not be removed from the collection until the process of reconsideration has been completed, and then only if the material is found not to meet the criteria of the Library’s Collection Development Policy.  Library materials that are subjected to reconsideration and are found to meet the standards outlined in the Collection Development Policy will not be removed from public access.  Duplicate challenges will not be accepted.  In the event a patron disagrees with the results of the “Statement of Concern Form”, they may attend a Board of Trustees meeting and speak during the Public Comment time. (see Public Comment Policy)

The following criteria are necessary for a “Statement of Concern Form” to be considered:

  • The requester must be a patron within the tax-paying library district with non-expired library card and no fines
  • “Statement of Concern Form” must be completed in its entirety
  • One request form per item
  • A title will not be reviewed more than once
  • The requester must agree to read the Collection Development Policy and preferably the title being challenged


Check out and use of public access computer privileges will be withdrawn under any of the following conditions:

  • Any member of a household has overdue items
  • Any member of a household owes fines or charges for billed items
  • Any patron found destroying library property
  • Any linked patron owes fines or charges


Texas County Library will charge the replacement cost or catalogue price of lost or damaged items plus $5.00 processing fee.  Once patrons pay for a damaged item, the item becomes theirs.


It will be left to the discretion of the Library Director whether a patron must pay for a book they request prior to ordering the book (Date revised: 09-18).


Before emancipated children can be allowed Internet access or check out any media, they must submit legal proof (court-approved documentation) of their emancipation.


Any resident of Texas County or a contiguous county may receive a library card upon submission of an application and proper identification. The driver’s license number or social security number given on the application is not to be entered into the circulation system.  Applications are to be forwarded to the Library Director who shall keep the application in a locked file cabinet. Library cards renew annually.  At that time if any contact information has changed, your record will be updated. (revised 2-28-24.)

If a patron forgets their library card, they may check out a library book provided they have a picture ID.

Patrons may not have computer access without using their personal library card. Library employees will not be allowed to give out library card numbers to patrons for computer access. Therefore, if a patron forgets their library card, they MAY NOT access a computer.


When a patron is new to the community, they may be issued a Visitor Pass to access a computer. At that time, they will be given an explanation of how to get a library card. They may be issued a maximum of two Visitor Passes before they are required to have a library card.


  1. Patrons will have one week to pick up item.
  1. A fee of $5.00 will be charged for non-evergreen items if an item is requested, obtained and not picked up by the requesting patron.
  1. If an item is requested and the patron decides they do not want the item or have obtained the item via another source, the patron must contact the library to cancel their request. Items can be cancelled unless the requesting library has already sent the item to us.
  1. If a patron orders and does not pick up twice, we will not order for them again unless the patron has experienced an unusual circumstance that has been approved by the Library Director.
  1. Items cannot be renewed. All requested items must be returned to the library timely.
  1. Requests can only be made on a “current” basis. We cannot hold information and order for patrons at a later date.
  1. Anyone requesting ILL items must have a current library card with no fees due and a working telephone number for contact.

I have read, understand and agree to comply with these rules.

_________________________________________                                           ______________________

                                        Signature                                                                                                    Date


                                Printed Name



The Texas County Library District provides an environment where lifelong habits of learning, self-improvement, and self-expression are encouraged and where patrons can meet their educational, informational and recreational needs. To that end the library makes information available in a variety of formats. Integrating electronic resources from outside networks with the library’s other resources allows access to ideas, information and commentary from around the world. One means of accomplishing that goal is to offer Internet access to each of its branches.


The freedom to access information carries with it a burden of responsibility on the part of the user. The Internet offers access to a wealth of materials that is personally, professionally and culturally enriching to individuals of all ages. However, the Internet is unregulated and provides access to some material which may be offensive and/or illegal.


Internet resources, as a result, are not subject to the selection criteria of the library and not all information found is accurate, complete, up-to-date, or politically correct. The library does not monitor or control the content of information found on outside sites, and thus cannot be held responsible for the content of these sites.


Misuse or abuse of library computers or the Internet will result in suspension of library privileges as well as possible legal action. Examples of illegal or unethical use include, but are not limited to:

  • Harassing other users
  • Libeling or slandering other users
  • Destroying, damaging or altering equipment, software, or data belonging to the library or other users
  • Using computer communications facilities in ways that unnecessarily impede the computing activities of others (e.g. randomly initiating interactive electronic communications or e-mail exchanges of interactive network facilities)
  • Attempting to alter software configurations or install any software
  • Sending, receiving or displaying text or graphics which may be reasonably construed as obscene (MoRS 573.010)
  • Violating another user’s privacy
  • Gaining unauthorized access to resources or entities
  • Unauthorized copying of copyright-protected material
  • Unauthorized use of computer accounts, access, codes, or network identification numbers assigned to others


Users of electronic mail systems should be aware that electronic mail in its present form cannot be secured and is vulnerable to unauthorized access and modification. The ultimate responsibility for resolution of problems related to the invasion of the user’s privacy or loss of data rests with the user. The library assumes no liability for loss or damage to user’s data or for any damage or injury arising from invasion of the user’s privacy.


Texas County Library District takes reasonable precautions by installing virus protection software on library computers. The library is not responsible for damage to a person’s disk or computer, or for any loss of data, damage, or liability that may occur from a person’s use of library computers.


The library cannot censor access to materials or protect users from offensive information. The library upholds and affirms the right and responsibility of parents to determine and monitor their children’s use of all library materials and resources. Internet users, regardless of their age, are the final selectors of the information accessed and are responsible for those individual choices and decisions. Parents may restrict their children from Internet access.

Minors will be issued a library card after their parent/guardians and the minor have read and signed the technology use policy. The minor is allowed to access the Internet with their library card if they are granted permission by their parent or guardian.

Parents/guardians are requested to sign the “Technology Use Policy” statement for Internet use by their children. Parents/guardians acknowledge by signing the policy the nature of the Internet, and to not hold the library responsible for the following which a child may see or experience while using the Internet or library equipment:

  • Misinformation
  • Accuracy of data
  • Contents of Internet sites
  • Graphics displayed or printed out from the Internet
  • “Down time” for any Internet site
  • “Down time” for library or MOREnet equipment
  • Misuse of e-mail account
  • “Chat” times


Patrons are limited to 2 hours per day and are automatically controlled by Cassie software. These limits may be extended by the librarian if requested by a patron for purposes deemed necessary or appropriate.  


Patrons desiring to access the Internet via wireless connectivity will be given a password after presentation of valid picture identification. The patron’s name, the date, and method of identification must be placed on the wireless access log sheet. Access may not exceed the remaining hours the library is open for the day. Wireless access is strictly limited to the inside of the library building. Wireless access log sheet must be maintained for at least three months and must be totaled for annual statistical reporting to the State Library.

The same legal and ethical-use rules and computer time limits that apply to patrons using public access equipment also apply to patrons accessing the Internet via wireless connectivity (Date Approved 4-22-2016).



I have been given a copy of the Policy Manual for Patrons. I have read and agree to the Technology Use Policy of the library. I acknowledge the library’s authority to withdraw library privileges and implement other actions as appropriate for misuse or abuse of library equipment, materials and/or Internet access at the library.

Name _______________________________________________________________________

                  (Please Print)

E-mail address if available_______________________________________________________

Mailing address_______________________________________________________________

Library card number___________________________________________________________

Signature and Date____________________________________________________________

 (Patron signs this page found on back of adult application)


I ___________________________________________________________am 18 years or older.

Please Print

I __________________________________am the parent or guardian of the following children:

Please Print

____________________________________,  _______________________________________,

Name and Age                                                               Name and Age

____________________________________,  _______________________________________,

Name and Age                                                               Name and Age

____________________________________,  _______________________________________,

Name and Age                                                               Name and Age

I understand the Texas County Library may photograph or videotape the events or activity in which I am (or my child is) participating.  I give my permission for the Texas County Library to use photograph(s) or videotape of me (or my child) for the purpose of promoting the Texas County Library and its services and/or programs.  I give my permission with the following understanding:  No compensation of any kind will be paid to me (or my child) at this time or in the future for the use of my (or my child’s) likeness.

Permission is not required to take part in any Texas County Library event.

Signature:______________________________________  Date:_______________


City, State,Zip:_______________________________________________________


Adult Library Card Application

Texas County Library District

(Please Print Clearly)


Last Name: __________________________ Legal First Name: _________________________ M.I.____

                                Print Only                                                                                            Print Only

Nickname: ___________________________ Previous Last Name: ____________________________

                                Print Only                                                                                                            Print Only

(Please fill in all lines concerning your address)

Mailing Address:_______________________________________________________________________

                Street, route or box #                                            City                  State                                       Zip Code

Residential Address:____________________________________________________________________

                (If different from above) Street, route or box #    City               State                                       Zip Code

Please list additional cardholders living at this address:________________________________________


County:     Texas                 Other: _______________________

Day Phone:_______________________________   Evening Phone:_______________________________

Birth Date: ______________________________      Drivers License #: ____________________________

                   Month               Day                Year                               or

                                                                                                      Social Security #: ____________________________

E-Mail Address: _______________________________________________________________________


I will be responsible for all fines, damages or loss of materials checked out on this card.  This Library card is the property of the library district and must be surrendered upon request.  Patrons with fines/charges over $50.00 can be turned over to the prosecuting attorney and reported to a credit bureau. See reverse side for signature.

Staff Use Only

Card Type:                          New           Replacement                Notes: ________________________________

Identification required: (1 resident address and 1 picture/personal identification)

                Canceled Mail (with current address)                     Current paid County tax receipt

                Drivers License/social security card                                          Military ID

                Checkbook (with current address)                                           other: ________________

                Utility deposit receipt or bill (with current address)

Home Library               HT             CB              LK           SV       Library card #:

Revised:  October 1, 2023

Child’s Library Card Application

Texas County Library District

(Please Print Clearly)


Last Name: __________________________ Legal First Name: _________________________ M.I.____

                                    Print Only                                                                    Print Only

Nickname: ___________________________ Parent/Guardian’s Name: __________________________

                                    Print Only                                                                    Print Only

(Please fill in all lines concerning your address)

MailingAddress: __________________________________________________________________________                                 Street, route, or box #                                            City                  State                                    Zip Code

ResidentialAddress: ________________________________________________________________________

(If different from above)  Street, route or box #    City               State                                     Zip Code

Please list additional cardholders living at this address: ___________________________________

County:            Texas     Other: _______________________

Day Phone: _________________________________  Evening Phone: _______________________

Birth Date: __________________________ Parent/Guardian’s Drivers License #:___________________

                  Month           Day             Year                              or

                                                                              Parent/Guardian’s Social Security #:_____________       

E-Mail Address: _________________________________________________________

Signature: __________________________________________ Date: ____________________________

                        Parent or Guardian Only

I will be responsible for all fines, damages or loss of materials checked out on this card.  This Library card is the property of the library district and must be surrendered upon request.  Patrons with fines/charges over $50.00 can be turned over to the prosecuting attorney and reported to a credit bureau.

_____  _____     Internet access allowed by parent/guardian

Yes        No

_____    _____               Check out privileges allow by parent/guardian (Sign statement reverse side)                  Yes         No


Staff Use Only

Home Library               HT             CB              LK           SV

Card Type:                          New           Replacement                Notes:______________________

Identification required: (1 resident address and 1 picture/personal identification)

            Canceled Mail (with current address)                           Current paid County tax receipt

            Drivers License/social security card                             Military ID

            Checkbook (with current address)                               other: ________________

            Utility deposit receipt or bill (with current address)

Revised:  August 1, 2023                                         Library card #:


I give my child(ren) permission to obtain a Texas County Library card.

I am aware that my child(ren)’s library card(s) provides unrestricted access to all content at Texas County Library, which includes physical materials (books, magazines, audiobooks on CD, movies on DVD, and electronic materials (streaming and downloadable music, streaming and downloadable movies, e-books, and e-audiobooks), and online research databases.

I am aware that my child(ren)’s library card(s) provides access to the Internet through the Library’s public access computers and Wi-Fi network. While the Library’s Internet access is filtered, I am aware that filtering software cannot block all content that I may find inappropriate for my child(ren). I understand that Library staff and administration do not have supervisory duty over my child(ren). I understand that Library staff and administration cannot monitor or control which sections (juvenile, young adult, or adult) of the Library my child(ren) accesses. I understand that it is solely my responsibility to monitor my child(ren)’s behavior and consumption of content, in any and all forms.

I give consent for my child(ren) to access, check out, view, and otherwise utilize all Library resources.

I have been informed in reviewing this consent form that I have access, as a patron of the Library, to the Library’s Collection Development Policy under 15 CSR 30-200.015 of Missouri State Regulations and that it is my responsibility to review the Policy, if so desired. The Policy can be accessed by requesting a physical copy at the Library’s service desk at any branch or on the Library website.

I (Printed Name) ________________________________________ am the PARENT / LEGAL GUARDIAN of the minor child(ren) whose name(s) is(are):

__________________________________________________ (Child)

 __________________________________________________ (Child)

__________________________________________________ (Child)

__________________________________________________ (Child)

__________________________________________________ (Child)

__________________________________________________ (Child)


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